MPHQ - Inauguration Ceremony
- Start: Jan 11, 2018
- End: Jan 12, 2018
- Location: Ehrensaal, Deutsches Museum

The official Inauguration ceremony of the MPHQ took place in January 2018. Around 200 participants listened to talks and presentations at the Institute for Advanced Study and the Deutsches Museum. Scientists from Harvard and MPQ presented and discussed their research projects and were able to convey their thrilling research topics to a larger public. The Max Planck Harvard Research Center for Quantum Optics was officially opened by Prof. Martin Stratmann, President of Max Planck Society, and Prof. Jeremy Bloxham FRS, Dean of Science, Harvard University. The scientific programme of the inauguration ceremony was completed by fascinating experimental demonstrations by Prof. Markus Greiner and Nobel laureate Prof. Wolfgang Ketterle.